Here is a list of frequently asked questions about HARVEST FLOW. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us on Discord.
How does HARVEST FLOW operate?
HARVEST FLOW allows our company to borrow your cryptocurrency for a fixed period. After the contract period ends, we return the same type and amount of cryptocurrency that was borrowed, along with a lending fee calculated at a fixed rate, paid in the same type of cryptocurrency.
How does using HARVEST FLOW contribute to social good?
The cryptocurrency lent through HARVEST FLOW is intended to be used for initiatives that improve the world, such as vehicle loan businesses or renewable energy projects. We refer to earning income while contributing to social good as a "Social Action," aiming for both economic and social success. Please see "SOCIAL ACTION" for more details. The specific impact varies by project, so please also check the project page for further information.
I don't own any cryptocurrency. Can I still use the service?
To use HARVEST FLOW, you need to own the cryptocurrency DAI.
Can the loan be canceled midway?
In principle, mid-term cancellation of the loan is not allowed. However, since Proof of Support is issued as an NFT, it can be bought and sold on marketplaces such as OpenSea or MagicEden. While we are involved in creating collection pages and setting royalties on external marketplaces, we are not involved in the buying and selling process itself. Please refer to our Cryptocurrency Loan Agreement for more details.
How is the lending fee calculated?
The lending fee is generally calculated based on the following formula:
Interest: (Quantity of the same type of cryptocurrency corresponding to the number of loan units × lending rate × number of seconds from the time the lending was executed to the time our company receives the claim from the customer holding Proof of Support (if this time is after the three-year mark from execution, then the three-year mark)) / (60×60×24×365) - any lending fees already paid to the customer holding the Proof of Support.
The frequency and timing of payments, as well as the lending rate, vary by project. Please refer to the project page for more details.
Are there any costs associated with using this service?
There are no charges from us for using this service. However, users are responsible for covering the gas fees. When lending cryptocurrency to us, requesting the return of the lent cryptocurrency, or claiming the lending fee, you will need to pay the gas fees. Gas fees are transaction fees on the blockchain network and can vary based on transaction speed and network congestion. Please make sure to check the gas fees before proceeding with any transactions.
The vehicle status is displayed as NOT STARTED. When will it be updated?
After the lending application period ends, the collected funds will be transferred to the operating company, which will use them to purchase the vehicle. Once the driver selection, device installation on the vehicle, and release process are completed, the data will be linked and the status will be updated.
What cryptocurrency is required to lend in RWA-001?
You will need DAI on the Polygon chain. How to Obtain DAI on Polygon
How can I earn interest after lending?
By connecting the wallet holding your POS, you can claim your interest by pressing the HARVEST button on your account page.
When can I receive the first interest payment?
Repayments to customers are linked to the contract with the borrower. Please refer to the project page of each project and the cryptocurrency loan agreement for details.
Do I need to create an account or submit identification to use the service?
There is no need to register an account or submit identification. You can use the service simply by connecting a supported wallet like Metamask.
How can I get in touch for questions or inquiries?
All inquiries are accepted in the HARVEST HALL Discord.
Last updated